Bones Electronics Co., Ltd

Bones Electronics Co., Ltd

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Name: Anchor Lan
Tel: +86-28-82200303
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E-mail: [email protected]
Add: Chongzhou Industrial Development Zone, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
MSN: [email protected]
Skype: anchor.lan
QQ: 546382932
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Light-up Bras

Light-up Bras
Product name:Light-up Bras

Light-up bras, also called glowing bras, make a popular addition to any outfit, and will definitely bring you attention! 

We, men, have to be honest and admit that women’s breasts wouldn’t need more attention,
because we have our eyes to spot every little detail over there. Apparently BEC is not only committed to industrial applications for plastic optical fiber (polymer optical fiber/POF), but also trying to bring enjoyment to our daily life, especially night life.  Our fiber optic bras that emit a “soft and sensuous” glow when

they have the batteries on.  It could be perfect for a night in the club, because they last for about 12 hours.
Not sure if the $145-$250 bras are going to get you a partner unless you have your own 
weapons beneath the glowing material. They’re being sold online at BEC, retail or wholesale. Anyone that wears them or undresses someone that had them on, please kindly

comment back and let us know of your experience.

Here are some examples of our cleavage-enhancing creations - follow the links for more information on each style.

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