Bones Electronics Co., Ltd

Bones Electronics Co., Ltd

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Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses

Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses
Product name:Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses
Customized POF Cable Assemblies and Harnesses

Fully customizable Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) assemblies and harnesses are offering maximum flexibility and cost-effectiveness solution for optical cabling in automotive, industrial, medical, transportation, renewable energy, smart grid and consumer applications 

Bones Electronics Co., Ltd offers fully customizable, cost-competitive Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) cable-assembly and harnesses solutions, providing maximum flexibility to customers specifying optical cabling in automotive, industrial, medical, renewable-energy, power transmission and distribution, transportation and consumer applications including controls, drives, factory automation, high-speed trains, sensors and imaging. Plastic optical fiber (POF) cables, made from light-conducting plastics, are used for optical cabling networks over short distances, while glass fiber-optic cables are used for long distances.

Customers are able to specify assemblies and harnesses in terms of connector types, jacket material and color, temperature range, UL certification, cable lengths and tolerances. Various connectors from different manufacturers are available.


1. Alternative Energy Source
Control systems
Pitch control
Power electronics/ IGBT/ IGCT
Sensors (structural health monitoring)
Wind turbine

2. Commercial Vehicle

Rail infrastructure
Rolling stock
Traction, high-speed trains
Automotive MOST

3. Industrial Automation

Ethernet based applications
Factory automation

4. Medical
Galvanic isolation
Optical sensors

This is not a definitive list of applications for this product. It represents some of the more common uses.

Datasheet (PDF)

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